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Artist Lecture with Liliane Lijn

22nd February 2016 · 7:00pm - 8:30pm

In person | Virtual event

 Artist Lecture with Liliane Lijn

South London Women Artists (SLWA) are proud to announce artist Liliane Lijn will be giving a lecture on her artistic practice at Conway Hall as part of its yearly lecture series that highlights and celebrates women artists of importance.

Lijn is an internationally acclaimed artist who has had a very active and prolific career spanning over 50 years. Working across media – kinetic sculpture, film, performance and collage – to explore language, mythology and the relationship between light and matter. In 2005, Lijn was ACE NASA, Leonardo Network artist in residence at the Space Sciences Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley. In 2013, Lijn was one of the six artists short-listed to produce a sculpture for the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square. Public commissions include Solar Beacon, a solar installation in collaboration with astrophysicist, John Vallerga on the two towers of the Golden Gate Bridge and Light Pyramid, a beacon for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, Milton Keynes. Lijn took part in a recent panel discussion at Tate Modern called The Power of Light with Robbert Dijkgraaf, Director and Leon Levy Professor at the Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton, which explored how light helps us understand space and time.

All welcome, please book early to ensure entry.

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