Conway Hall is Where Ethics Matter. We curate, support and facilitate people and ideas that make ethics matter in the world. Together, we are Creative, Diverse, Historic, Human and Kind.
With a landmark venue, and over 100 years of championing independent voices promoting equality, social justice, and a better life for all – we call that ETHICS – Conway Hall is the place for those driven by the same passion for change.
As part of our charitable programme, we host talks, concerts, courses, performances and community events.
By becoming a member of Conway Hall Ethical Society you will help us make ethics matter in the world.
Membership fees per year:
Standard: £60 • Unwaged: £40 • Friend: £40 • Supporter: £100 • Donor:£250 • Ambassador: £500• Patron: £1,000
Join us to support our work and enjoy a range of membership benefits:
Sign up via direct debit:
Standard /Unwaged:
- Free entry to our Ethical Matters talks series
- Cheaper entry to the Sunday Concerts and other events
- Discounted fees for our courses and learning activities
Members-only video content, including full recordings of our talks, with the Q&A
- Vote at the AGM, guide our future (except Friends)
Supporter: same as Standard/ Unwaged
Donor: same as Standard/ Unwaged plus
- Named on website and “Thank You” board in Foyer • Refurbished antique balcony chair* with number identified on floor plan on webpage • Name check in Sunday Concert programme and the Annual Review • Behind the scenes tour with CEO
*subject to availability, for five years only
Ambassador: same above plus
- Refurbished radiator* with number identified on floor plan on webpage
*subject to availability, for five years only
Patron: same above plus
- Library bookstack* named on a plaque in the Library
*subject to availability, for five years onl