A Field Guide Taxidermy Courses
16th January 2016 · 11:00am - 5:00pm
In person | Virtual event

At A Field Guide, we provide quality taxidermy classes in Central London.
At the forefront of our sector, our books, workshops and kits have featured heavily in the national and international press.
A Field Guide taxidermy courses will introduce students to the process and techniques behind basic taxidermy. Students will learn how to skin, prep, preserve, mount and position the animal.
Students can choose to pose their mount in a naturalist setting but they will also be introduced to the art of anthropomorphism, the attribution of human characteristics to animals, plants or non-living things. This practice has been widely explored in the medium of taxidermy and was most famously realized by the Victorian taxidermist Walter Potter. His Museum of Curiosities featured wonderful bestial dioramas from a classroom of 48 bunnies in ‘Rabbit School’ to a wedding party of kittens dressed in morning coats and lace dresses with frilly knickers.