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A Leftist Critique of Multiculturalism

15th November 2015 · 11:00am - 1:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 A Leftist Critique of Multiculturalism

Multiculturalism is a conservative idea that is seen as progressive. It is about background, ethnicity, belonging, spokespersons and roots. Those who talk about roots talk about an idyll of the past, a historical El Dorado – in contrast to impartial institutions, technological achievements, gender equality, and modern society. A reactionary ideology does not become more radical just because ‘progressive’ journalists, politicians, and academics are cherishing it. The developed world has dragged a Trojan Horse into its midst.

Dr Göran Adamson will present this, albeit highly controversial, perspective on living cheek-by-jowl with many different races and cultures. This should ensure a lively discussion.

Göran Adamson is an Associate Professor teaching at West University, Sweden. In his Ph.D. (LSE), he argues that the rise of European right-wing populist parties is not primarily caused by “racism”, but by “populism” – i.e. a criticism of the “elite”. Hence, their voters were not chiefly arrogant insiders, but downtrodden outsiders. This has caused remarkable misunderstandings.

More recently, Dr. Adamson has turned from the rhetoric of the righists to the discourse of their antagonists: the multiculturalists. Behind a veneer of radicalism, Adamson maintains, multiculturalism is a conservative ideology. Multiculturalists never stop talking about roots. Anyone who does is a conservative.

Doors 10.30. Entry £3, £2 concs./free to Conway Hall Ethical Society members.

Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available.

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