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Ahlam Akram: Why are Women’s Rights Not Universal?

20th March 2013 · 7:00pm - 7:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 Ahlam Akram: Why are Women’s Rights Not Universal?

The Central London Humanist Group present; Ahlam Akram: Why are Women’s Rights Not Universal?; On 9th October 2012 15 year old Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head in Pakistan by Taliban gunmen simply for campaigning for education rights for girls. In Britain in 2013 women still can’t be Bishops should they wish to be and their pay rarely equals that of their male colleagues but compared to women in many countries most British women have opportunites and rights beyond the wildest dreams of many others.; Ahlam will be asking some interesting questions; Why are women’s rights not universal? How can the West help improve equallity for women throughout the world? Why does God not value men and women equally?; Ahlam Akram is a British writer broadcaster and peace and human rights campaigner of Palestinian origin and has lived in London since 1979 although her parents and wider family still live in the occupied territories. . Ahlam is a passionate advocate of women’s rights and is regularly interviewed on Arabic TV channels advocating the role of women in peace building. She has appeared on Sky Channel 5 and the BBC TV Arabic channel – most recently debating with a Sheikh about the French niqab ban and her own idea of Muslim women voluntarily opting to stop wearing it. Another interview was with an Egyptian salafist discussing congugal rape. Ahlam is a Member of Women without Borders and an active member of Women against Fundamentalism.; Doors 18.30 for a 19.00 Start.; A charity wine bar will be available from 18.30.; We retire to the Enterprise pub nearby for further debate around 20.00.; A suggested donation of £2 would be welcome on the night towards the cost of room and equipment hire.; All our talks are open to the public.

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