AHS National Convention 2014
8th March 2014 · 10:00am - 10:00am
In person | Virtual event

The AHS and Conway Hall Ethical Society Presents The AHS National Convention The National Federation of Atheist Humanist and Secularist Student Societies (AHS) is holding its annual National Convention! Join us for three days of godlessness in London’s Conway Hall from the 7th to the 9th of March 2014 from 10.00-17.00 Our Evil Plans: Friday- Social Drinks in the pub. That’s literally it. Saturday- Speakers Day. Here from the biggest names in atheism humanism and secularism including- Simon Singh – Mathematician and libel reform advocate A. C. Grayling – Philosopher and Master of New College of the Humanities Sheila McLean – Professor of Law and Ethics in Medicine and right to die advocate Kenan Malik – Neurobiologist and philosopher of race and multiculturalism Richard Norman – Philosopher and ethicist Christina Patterson – Journalist Mary Honeyball – Labour MEP and womens’ rights advocate Andrew Copson – BHA Chief Executive Sunday- Workshops for our members covering topics like how to publicise events how to run a Regional Convention how to handover to a new team and hopefully a masterclass on debating. Tickets are £10 for students and £12 otherwise.