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Alan, Alec and Bert: A Solo Performance by David Izod

22nd February 2017 · 7:45pm - 9:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 Alan, Alec and Bert: A Solo Performance by David Izod

A solo performance written and performed by David Izod.

This new 75 minute monologue tells the story of the men who came before David: his Dad, Alan; his grandfather Bert and his grandfather’s best friend Alec, whose sacrifice in the First World War allowed him to have his chance at life.

Death always brings with it a re-evaluation for those left alive. David knew his Dad well and thought he knew the story of his life well, but soon learned that what he didn’t know so well was the story of the men who came before him; the men who had shaped his life and ultimately David’s own.

This is a story shaped by the events of one hundred years ago on the fields of Flanders. The story of a man whose tragically early death allowed David Izod’s to come to pass.

Tickets: £10, £2 members (£12 on the door)


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