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Aligning Heart and Mind to Heal and Thrive

22nd August 2018 · 7:00pm - 8:30pm

In person | Virtual event

 Aligning Heart and Mind to Heal and Thrive

Irrespective of profession, age, culture or sexuality, the journey towards embracing who we really are can be the hardest process in life, and never ends.

For over a decade, Dr Magdalena Bak-Maier has been developing and experimenting with how to connect heart and mind, body and spirit for personal empowerment. This process creates lasting transformation, effective behaviour change and even healing. Her techniques are easy to learn and implement.

You will learn:

• to choose differently in the moment
• ways to align heart and mind for best results
• how to stop procrastinating
• tools to turn setbacks and hurt into vital helpers

Dr Magdalena Bak-Maier is a pioneer of integrative coaching and therapy, and a gifted teacher. Her work shows people how to operate with more ‘heart’ so they can connect with others and themselves. To dive deep into being your best self, see her DaVinci Programme at

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