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An Atheist and a Muslim in Conversation: Overcoming Differences, Challenging Fundamentalism and Promoting Secular Values

10th January 2016 · 11:00am - 1:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 An Atheist and a Muslim in Conversation: Overcoming Differences, Challenging Fundamentalism and Promoting Secular Values

Progressive Muslims and atheists differ on key issues such as the existence of God, and the likelihood of an afterlife. Yet there is much we have in common: from promoting secular democracy and human rights, to opposing faith-based discrimination. In recent years, atheist and Muslim campaigners have worked together to oppose the normalisation of gender segregation in public universities, campaigned against exclusionary policies in faith schools, and promoted greater acceptance of same-sex relations in faith communities. What are the barriers to achieving progress, and how can we build on our successes?

In this intriguing and timely event, two high profile figures Tehamina Kazi and Boyd Sleator will discuss these important issues impacting our society today.

Tehmina Kazi is the Director of British Muslims for Secular Democracy, a group of Muslim democrats working to raise awareness about democracy, particularly secular democracy, within British Muslim communities and the wider public. She is executive producer of the documentary film Hidden Heart, a trustee of Hope Not Hate and an advisory board member of the Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks project.

Tehmina was named  one of the BBC’s 100 Women in October 2013 and 2014, and held the Eric Lane Fellowship at Clare College, Cambridge from January to March 2014. She is a Centenary Young Fellow of the RSA.

Boyd Sleator is the chair-person and one of the founding members of Atheist Northern Ireland (Atheist NI). Boyd initially organised three major events for the public understanding of science bringing, Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss to Ireland. Atheist NI works towards a rational, ethical and secular Northern Ireland. In a short period of time Atheist NI has become a pro-active organisation working on subjects like the current religious education syllabus and equal marriage.

Please note: This event will now take place in the main hall, and will be videoed and released on the Conway Hall YouTube at a later date.

Doors 10.30. Entry £3, £2 concs./free to Conway Hall Ethical Society members.

Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available.

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