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Anything-but-beans food drive

19th February 2017 · 10:30am - 12:30pm

In person | Virtual event

 Anything-but-beans food drive

While February is a hard time for food banks with fewer donations than other months, the need of those needing food banks doesn’t lessen. So since this is the month of love we thought we’d send some anonymous valentines in the form of items desperately needed by Camden Food Bank. You can donate anything except baked beans (the ratio of beans to other donations is 3:1), but to get you started here are some priority items needed. Some of these items may not seem traditionally romantic, but the best valentine’s day present I ever got was a well-stocked tool box so what is romance anyway (and no that isn’t some kind of euphemism)!

Items needed are:

  • Tins of meat and fish
  • Tins of fruit and veg
  • rice pudding
  • custard
  • UHT full fat milk
  • soya or rice milk
  • powdered/evaporated milk
  • baby milk e.g aptamil 1,2 or 3
  • UHT Fruit juice, squash or cordials
  • Shaving cream and disposable razors
  • nappies of all sizes
  • toilet paper
  • kitchen roll
  • cat food
  • cans of dog food

We’ll be collecting items from 10.30am before Sunday Assembly until about 12.30pm afterwards. We’ll also need hands on deck to help us sort donations into categories and to come to Camden Food Bank by Euston station to drop off all the donated items, so if you’d like to help us sort and deliver sign up below. If for whatever reason you cannot make Sunday Assembly but want to donate items, please get in touch via

Burt Bacharach said it best – let’s spread the love!

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