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Bloomsbury Festival: Shades of Light with Ensemble Matters

22nd October 2021 · 7:30pm - 9:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 Bloomsbury Festival: Shades of Light with Ensemble Matters

This concert marks the culmination of Ensemble Matters’s year-long preparation around their theme of the year, “Shades of Light”. The programme boasts two world premieres in response to the theme: composer Amy Crankshaw’s nature-inspired chamber work, Golden Hour, and artist Alondra Ruiz-Hernandez’s short film inspired by Rachmaninoff’s tone poem, Isle of the Dead.

Amy Crankshaw’s new work witnesses her interest in the intersection between music and the natural environment, particularly exploring the sonic equivalent of how changing light affects one’s perception of the surrounding environment. On a metaphorical level, Alondra Ruiz-Hernandez’s short film, inspired by and to be screened to the live performance of Rachmaninoff’s Isle of the Dead (chamber arr. by Owen Ho), explores the intricacies between life and death in the broader context of our current condition.






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