Campaigning with Dr Peter Draper: Public Health Policy and Inspiration
10th May 2017 · 6:00pm - 9:00pm
In person | Virtual event

A celebration of the life of Peter Draper, pioneering public health campaigner and a leading figure in the humanist movement.
Presented by the Faculty of Public Health.
18:00-18:30: Refreshments.
18:30-18:35: Toast and introduction.
Professor John Middleton, President, UK Faculty of Public Health
18:35-19:00: The life of Peter Draper.
Rupert Morris, British Humanist Association (BHA). With tribute from Andrew Copson, BHA Chief Executive.
19:00-19:15: Working at Peter Draper’s trailblazing Unit for the Study of Health Policy (USHP), Guy’s Hospital Medical School.
Jenny Griffiths, Research Assistant, USHP.
19:15-19:35: Health Through Public Policy – Peter Draper’s egacy.
Alex Scott-Samuel, Senior Lecturer in Public Health and Chair of Socialist Health Association.
19:35-20:25: Campaigning with Peter.
Open session for reflections, led by Tom Davidson, friend and fellow political activist.
20:25: Closing remarks.
John Middleton.
Please register online via the Faculty of Public Health website. For more information, contact