Conway Hall Book Club – January 2018
26th January 2018 · 6:00pm - 7:30pm
In person | Virtual event

With two independent publishers – Istros Books and Peter Owen – and a wonderful library on our premises, we thought it a good time for a new literary initiative: a monthly book club for members and friends, where we discuss some of the titles produced by our resident publishers, as well as the occasional guest sessions hosted by staff and other residents.
This month we will be reading The Tragic Fate of Moritz Toth by Dana Todorovic.
The Tragic Fate of Moritz Toth is story told through two parallel narratives: the growing paranoia of our reluctant hero Moritz, and Tobias Keller, the Moral Issues Advisor with the Office of the Great Overseer, on trail for interfering with the free-will of a human being. As the plot in Moritz’s world develops in the atmospheric style of Kafka and Bulgakov, Tobias discusses with the Disciplinary Committee the life path of Moritz Toth, which initiates debate over the age-old questions concerning the human condition. Mixing philosophy with first-class story-telling, Todorović charmingly coaxes us towards an unexpected conclusion, where the pieces of the puzzle finally come together and the connection between the two storylines is fully elucidated.
The book club is held in the library on the 4th Friday of every month (next date: Friday 23rd February).
We are committed to promoting inclusive practice at Conway Hall. Due to the constraints of our building, the Library is not currently accessible to wheelchair users or those with limited mobility, we are happy to discuss with you how we can make the contents and materials accessible to you. We carefully monitor which events are held in the Library, and will use your comments to enable us to develop ways to ensure that everyone should be able to attend events in the future.