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Conway Memorial Lecture – Lisa Jardine: Things I Never Knew about my Father

26th June 2014 · 7:30pm - 7:30pm

In person | Virtual event

 Conway Memorial Lecture – Lisa Jardine: Things I Never Knew about my Father

Conway Hall Ethical Society presents

Conway Memorial Lecture – Lisa Jardine: Things I Never Knew about my Father

Lisa Jardine talks about her father the late Jacob Bronowski who delivered his own Conway Memorial Lecture 60 years ago on 23 March 1954.

Prof Jardine will talk about his life and some interesting hidden facets to her humanist father that have only come to light in recent times. Here’s an interview with Jacob Bronowski in 1974 with Michael Parkinson.

Lisa Jardine CBE is Professor of Renaissance Studies at University College London and Director of the UCL Centre for Humanities Interdisciplinary Research Projects and the Centre for Editing Lives and Letters. She is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and an Honorary Fellow of King’s College Cambridge and Jesus College Cambridge. She holds honorary doctorates of Letters from the University of St Andrews Sheffield Hallam University and the Open University and an honorary doctorate of Science from the University of Aberdeen.

Chaired by: Prof Laurie Taylor Laurie Taylor is the host of Thinking Allowed on BBC Radio 4. A show which focuses on the latest social science research. He was formerly a Professor of Sociology at the University of York. Laurie’s career began with a short stint as a librarian after which he became a professional actor then an English teacher before joining the Sociology Department of the University of York where he went on to become Professor of Sociology. He is a consultant writes for newspapers and magazines contributes to television programmes and is an accomplished public speaker.

Photo credit: The Rationalist Association Tickets are free. Please book in advance for entry.

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