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Democracy for the 21st Century

6th March 2016 · 11:00am - 1:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 Democracy for the 21st Century

The vast majority of us do not trust politicians. The people’s  “democratic” role  is  limited to voting for a group of individuals whom we didn’t select to rule us for another five years. Although we live in what is called a democracy we have little involvement in influencing government policy in the intervening period.

Or is this soon to change?

The Swiss are nearest to direct democracy. Referenda have been held on major issues since 1848. 50,000 signatures are enough to change a law, this has given them stable government and a productive economy with a very healthy balance of payments compared to UK.

Derek Bates will argue that we should be able to properly engage with our elected representatives using modern communication and internet technology, have a “live” influence on our futures and express our opinions – effectively crowd-sourcing innovative policy and direction. This could be used on specific major issues such as bombing Syria, spending £80 billion on HS2 and developing smart cities, and even extend to major policy areas such as economic reform. A million brains could just be a whole lot better than one!

Derek Bates runs a science-based consultancy with over 300 clients all of whom are dissatisfied with government. In Shadows in the Wall he derives an alternative system of government and economic reform.

Doors 10.30. Entry £3, £2 concs./free to Conway Hall Ethical Society members.

Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available.

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