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Ethical Matters: The Authority Gap – Why Women are Still Taken Less Seriously than Men

20th September 2021 · 6:30pm - 8:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 Ethical Matters: The Authority Gap – Why Women are Still Taken Less Seriously than Men

Imagine living in a world in which you were routinely patronised by women.

Imagine having your views ignored or your expertise frequently challenged by them.

Imagine people always addressing the woman you are with before you.

Now imagine a world in which the reverse of this is true.

Would you believe that US Supreme Court Justices are interrupted four times more often than male ones… 96% of the time by men? Or that British parents, when asked to estimate their child’s IQ will place their son at 115 and their daughter at 107?

In The Authority Gap Mary Ann Sieghart provides a startling perspective on the unseen bias at work in our everyday lives, to reveal the scale of the gap that still persists between men and women. Marshalling a wealth of data with precision and insight, and including interviews with pioneering women such as Baroness Hale, Mary Beard and Julia Gillard, Mary Ann exposes unconscious bias in a fresh feminist take on how to address and counteract systemic sexism in ways that benefit us all.

Mary Ann Sieghart spent 20 years as Assistant Editor and columnist at The Times and won a large following for her columns on politics, economics, feminism, parenthood and life in general. She has presented many programmes on BBC Radio 4, such as Start the Week, Profile, Analysis and One to One. She chaired the revival of The Brains Trust on BBC2 and recently spent a year as a Visiting Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford.





Twitter: @MASieghart / @PenguinUKBooks

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