Ethics and Transparency in the Pharmaceutical Industry
5th February 2013 · 6:45pm - 6:45pm
In person | Virtual event

Proclinical and Sense present; PHARMABATE: Ethics and Transparency in the Pharmaceutical Industry; Please join us for an open debate on the ethics and transparency in the Pharmaceutical Industry. All proceeds donated to the charity ‘Sense’ supporting deafblind children adults and their carers. The coordinators of this event are not affiliated to any organisation.; – Should transparency be a legal obligation? – Where do the regulators stand on this issue? – Is the current process morally acceptable or should it be changed? Decide for yourself – Come and hear an informative balanced and lively debate; Speakers include industry professionals and academia including author and big pharma critic Dr Ben Goldacre.; Dr Miran Epstein – Medical doctor and Reader in Medical Ethics at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Queen Mary University of London. Dr Epstein will discuss the disturbing relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and research ethics and explains how they can be fixed.; Mr Chris Walker – Executive Director of Regulatory Affairs at biopharmaceutical company Amgen. Mr. Walker will present his personal view from an industry perspective and will provide a summary of the current state of legislation expectations on transparency and how the conversation is evolving.; Dr. Ben Goldacre – author broadcaster medical doctor and academic. Dr. Goldacre will present on the themes of his recent book ‘Bad Pharma’ about the misuse of evidence by the pharmaceutical industry especially the way that negative trial data goes missing in action and how easy it would be to fix this.; Dr. Xavier Luria – Independent consultant in drug development regulation and business school lecturer. Previous head of safety and efficacy at European Medicines Agency (EMA). Dr. Luria will present on access to clinical trial data and transparency from a regulator perspective.; The evening will be chaired by former Tomorrow’s World presenter science writer and broadcaster Vivienne Parry OBE.; Tickets Cost: £15 per adult £10 per student; 18.45 Registration. 19.00 Speaker presentations. 20.15 Panel debate. 21.30 Cheese and wine reception.