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Finding Your True Work with Sarah Rozenthuler

22nd March 2016 · 7:00pm - 8:30pm

In person | Virtual event

 Finding Your True Work with Sarah Rozenthuler

Sarah Rozenthuler, author of Life-Changing Conversations: 7 Strategies For Talking About What Matters Most will help us get clear about what the next step is for you in your life and career. During these times of disruptive change, many of us are questioning what life is all about. Even if we are fortunate enough to have “made it” — got the job, got the house, got the guy/the girl — there can be a nagging sense that there’s more to life than this.

In this workshop, you will explore:

  • What you really want to do next with your life
  • How to discover your true calling
  • Your next ‘true move’

Tickets: £20.

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