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Four Ways to Live Forever?

31st May 2012 · 12:00am - 12:00am

In person | Virtual event

 Four Ways to Live Forever?

In his new book philosopher Stephen Cave argues that behind the world’s beliefs creeds and ideologies are just four fundamental strategies all with one goal: immortality.; New research in psychology is proving what the poets long knew: that we are driven to do what we do by the fear of death and the desire to live forever. Cave maintains that all of our attempts to defy the Reaper fall into one of four basic strategies: staying alive (whether through magic or medicine); being resurrected (with help from the divine – or more recently cryonics); persisting as a soul (either in heaven hell or reincarnated on earth); or living on through one’s legacy (whether genes art or fame). Although all four strategies are ancient modern science puts us in a far better position than our ancestors to see if any of them can succeed.; To explore the possibility – and even desirability – of living forever Stephen will be joined on stage for this event by biologist Professor Lewis Wolpert and journalist Catherine Mayer. Discussion and audience Q and A will be chaired by Caspar Melville editor of New Humanist.; Stephen Cave writes on a wide range of philosophical ethical and scientific subjects. He has a PhD in philosophy from the University of Cambridge and subsequently spent some years in the Diplomatic Service before dedicating himself to writing. Immortality: The Quest to Live Forever and How it Drives Civilization is out now.; Lewis Wolpert CBE is Emeritus Professor of Biology as Applied to Medicine at University College London former chairman of the Committee on the Public Understanding of Science and Vice President of the British Humanist Association. He writes widely on science issues and most recently produced a book on ageing: You’re Looking Very Well: the Surprising Nature of Getting Old (2010).; Catherine Mayer is an author and journalist currently working as Europe Editor for Time Magazine. Her book Amortality: The Pleasures and Perils of Living Agelessly (2011) is published by Vermilion. 1900 start £7 on the door (£5 concessions and discount for members of Ethical Society BHA RA).

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