Greg Claeys on John Stuart Mill
22nd October 2013 · 7:00pm - 7:00pm
In person | Virtual event

Conway Hall Ethical Society presents; The philosopher economist and sometime Liberal M.P. John Stuart Mill was the most famous liberal thinker of the 19th and a pioneering feminist thinker. In this talk Greg Claeys re-examines Mill’s idea of secular progress focussing on his most famous work “On Liberty” and Mill’s reasons for adhering both to Malthusianism and feminism; along with his growing interest in socialism and his concern to reconcile the demands for more equality and social justice with the dynamic energy of the liberal meritocratic ideal.; Greg Claeys is Professor of History at Royal Holloway University of London A specialist on radical and socialist movements from 1790-1920 he has an abiding interest in utopian experimentation of all types. Author of seven books most recently “Mill and Paternalism” (Cambridge University Press 2013).; Tickets are £5