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Hellenistic Philosophy

24th April 2018 · 3:00pm - 5:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 Hellenistic Philosophy

Summer Term 2018, Tuesdays, 15:00 – 17:00, ten weeks starting 24th April

Course Tutor: Anja Steinbauer.

How stoic were the Stoics? Was Epicurus only interested in pleasure? Why did Diogenes live in a barrel? Hellenistic philosophy is complex, fascinating and rewarding to read, yet often an afterthought of our philosophical education. We will engage with the ideas of diverse and compelling thinkers – emperors, slaves and bohemians – and study their arguments concerning ethics, logic, metaphysics and the meaning of human life.

To enrol, please e-mail Anja (anja[at]

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