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Hierarchy and the Political Economy

13th September 2015 · 11:00am - 1:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 Hierarchy and the Political Economy

To kick-off our new season of Thinking on Sunday lectures, we have an inspiring event by one of London’s most original thinkers.

Inequality, oppression, corruption, war and the destruction of nature are products of the Political Economy shaped to benefit the Structural Elite, and rooted in the hierarchical structure of society.

Hierarchy has emerged from man’s domination of nature, ultimately enabling the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of the few.

This power has created a global economic system founded on three fundamental flaws, whereby a very small minority control:



  1. land, resources and knowledge which rightfully belong to no-one and should be accessible to all
  2. money
  3. the means to life

The majority compete for a reducing share of the diminishing wealth of the planet.

In this presentation Clive Menzies will present a penetrating analysis of this interpretation of the undoubted present woes in today’s society and will argue from an apolitical standpoint that salvation lies in the dissolution of hierarchy. The challenge is how?

Clive Menzies is a political economist, editor and communicator at Critical Thinking at the Free University. Critical Thinking is an apolitical, collaborative research and education project that analyses the current political economy to identify fundamental flaws and potential levers for change. The organisation aims to understand the historical context of issues from different perspectives and their current and future impacts on social cohesion, inequality, individual liberty and civilisation as we know it. Critical Thinking has developed a unified theory of political economy and has formulated a prescription for action to create a freer, fairer world.

Doors 10.30. Entry £3, £2 concs./free to Conway Hall Ethical Society members.

Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available.

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