History of Philosophy 1
3rd October 2017 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm
In person | Virtual event

Autumn Term 2017, Tuesdays, 19:00 – 21:00, ten weeks starting 3rd October
Course Tutor: Jane O’Grady.
‘What’s it all about then, guv?’ a taxi driver asked Bertrand Russell. This course gives a chronological survey of some the great Western philosophers who have formulated, and tried to solve, enduring puzzles – what reality is, who we are, how we should live. It traces the ongoing argument, and invites your contributions to it. Part 1 runs from the ancient Greeks to John Locke; Part 2 (in the Spring term) runs from Berkeley to Mill; Part 3 (in the Summer term) runs from Nietzsche to now. You can join any or all of these courses. See course-outline1 (Word doc) for more information.
To enrol, please e-mail Jane (jane[at]londonschoolofphilosophy.org).