Humans and Nature in the 21st Century
10th June 2017 · 4:00pm - 5:30pm
In person | Virtual event

Drawing on the work of Lovelock, Humboldt and Kropotkin we will discuss human interaction with nature and how to achieve a balance between society’s needs and those of the planet, as a healthy, functioning ecosystem.
Jonny Ritson will discuss his own research on peat bogs and their (mis)management as well as how land ownership and economics shape the fields and forests around us. Rather than offering definitive solutions, the talk aims to ask the questions which collectively we must answer, providing examples of what has and has not worked in the past.
The talk will lead to a discussion with groups reporting back so that everyone’s opinion is heard. The resulting discussion will be summarised and published as an article.
Jonny Ritson is a research associate at Imperial College working on the carbon cycle in soils and surface waters. He is also keen on communicating science to non-scientists and developing his own connection to nature. Aside from his formal research he is also interested in how land ownership and capitalism affect the environment.
Accessibility info: The building is fully accessible. Brockway Room
Part of Antiuni 2017 Science Programme.
This event is organised in partnership with Conway Hall.