Join us at Conway Hall for an evening of poetry and prose, as we delve into the world and works of Walt Whitman, America’s ‘poet of democracy’. Author of the revolutionary Song of Myself and considered by some to be America’s first gay icon, Whitman’s radical vision of democracy and universal themes of equality, comradeship and love inspired, and continue to inspire, freethinkers worldwide.
Karen Karbiener, author and professor at New York University, will open the event with her talk Moncure Conway and Walt Whitman, Pilgrim Souls, which will explore the relationship between Whitman and the historic leader of the South Place Ethical Society, Moncure Conway, after whom Conway Hall was named.
Following a thirty-minute interval, theatre company Compagnia de’ Colombari will present London’s first performance of Whitman on Walls! – a new show bringing together over 50 performers from all over the world in a series of films inspired by the words of Whitman. The films will be interspersed with live performances from London-based poets, weaving together film and spoken word into an unforgettable experience.
Our line-up of poets include: Keith Jarrett, Simona Nastac, Jacqueline Saphra, Anna Blasiak, Mandisa Apena, Yola Folaranmi and Whit Cook.