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In Spite of Christianity

28th November 2012 · 6:30pm - 6:30pm

In person | Virtual event

 In Spite of Christianity

NSRN Annual Lecture Dr Matthew Engelke ‘In Spite of Christianity: Humanism and Its Others in Contemporary Britain’ What do we talk about when we talk about religion? What do we recognize as essential and specific to any given faith and why? In this lecture I address these questions by drawing on fieldwork among humanists in Britain paying particular attention to humanism’s relation to Christianity. In one way or another humanists often position themselves in relation to Christianity. In a basic way this has to do with humanists’ commitment to secularism—the differentiation of church and state. In more complex ways though it also has to do with an effort to move “beyond” Christianity—to encourage a world in which reason takes the place of revelation—while often at the same time recognizing what’s worth saving and even fostering from the legacies of faith. All these various relations and perspectives suggest how we should understand social life in contemporary Britain as what it is in spite of Christianity—and not. Doors from 18.00 lecture at 18.30pm. Followed by a drinks reception. This event is free but places are limited. To register please email Lois Lee at

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