Conway Hall Ethical Society presents:
An Eye for Ethics:
Just Another Girl on the I.R.T. with T A P E
23rd March 2023 · 6:45pm - 9:30pm
Doors open: 6:15pm
In person

This spring, T A P E teams up with Conway Hall to bring you a screening with an ethical twist. Join us for an exclusive viewing of the award-winning 90’s classic Just Another Girl on the I.R.T. followed by an interactive conversation.
The first and only feature film by the talented Leslie Harris, Just Another Girl on the I.R.T won the Sundance Special Jury Prize when first released in 1992. The film: sighted as an inspiration for many films about and directed by Black women, it’s a trailblazing piece of work which over 30 years after its release remains immensely enjoyable and relevant beyond its label of a coming-of-age drama.
Brash, smart, and intensely practical, Chantel is a high-school junior in a hurry to graduate to prove she is more than the labels her race, gender, and class so often assume of her. Harris’s film evokes the myriad complexities of teenage life, spotlighting a society in which young Black women are so rarely the protagonists in their own stories. Here, she not only gives a girl that chance but defies the narrative.
After the film, T A P E will host an interactive conversation with the audience, as we delve into the ethical questions that the film raises.
T A P E was founded in 2015 by Angela Moneke and Isra Al Kassi and launched as a response to the lack of representation on screen; wanting to platform and highlight the sheer variety of under-served films out there. Over the years T A P E has curated a number of well-rounded screenings bringing together film, art, music, talks and more into one space and events with a focus on representation, identity and heritage; bringing exciting screenings to new audiences, championing the forgotten could-be cult films of the festival circuit with a focus on programmes of women of colour both behind and in front of the camera.
Further Info
Our pop-up bar, provided by Too Many Bars, will be open throughout the evening, serving popcorn and a selection of ethically and sustainably produced drinks.
If you have any accessibility enquiries, please contact us at / 020 7405 1818.