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Leaving Faith Behind: An Evening with the Authors

6th December 2018 · 7:00pm - 8:30pm

In person | Virtual event

 Leaving Faith Behind: An Evening with the Authors

Join us for an evening panel discussion, Q&A and book signing with the authors of Leaving Faith Behind.

Published in 2018, this book gives voice to men and women who have made the decision to leave Islam or to dissent against some of the most significant aspects of Islamic doctrine. As increasing numbers of people in Britain choose to turn away from organised religion, this book allows the stories of some of them to be heard: the reasons for their decisions to leave, the challenges, and the effects on their lives and relationships.


Aliyah Saleem was born into a Pakistani Sunni family and was educated at an Islamic girls’ private boarding school in Nottingham. Aliyah is an advocate for secular education and in 2015 co-founded Faith to Faithless.

Fiyaz Mughal OBE is the founder of Faith Matters, an organisation committed to reducing extremism, he also founded the charity TellMAMA which monitors and provides support for victims of anti-Muslim bigotry.

Hassan Radwan became a practising Muslim in his teens. He graduated in Arabic & Islamic Studies from SOAS University and spent 15 years teaching at the Islamia primary school where he wrote four children’s books. Hassan left the faith in his fifties.

Jimmy Bangash was raised in a traditional Pashtun family in London. As a gay man, he struggled with the homophobia and ardent misogyny within his community. Jimmy is a spokesperson for the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and is a committee member of Faith to Faithless.


Will Bose manages the Humanists UK programme Faith to Faithless. He is the vice-chair of Karma Nirvana, a national charity that has supported victims of honour-based abuse and forced marriage in Britain for 25 years. He also co-chaired the Girls Not Brides UK campaign which is part of a global coalition to end child marriage funded in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Copies of Leaving Faith Behind can be purchased on the night at £10.00 (cash only).

This is a complimentary event, and tickets will be assigned on a first to register basis. Please reserve your place via the booking link.

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