LRC Special General Meeting 2016
20th February 2016 · 10:30am - 4:00pm
In person | Virtual event

LRC Special General Meeting 2016, with Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell MP
The left’s success in 2015 was truly extraordinary – Jeremy Corbyn was swept into the Labour leadership, with a massive democratic mandate from Party members and supporters. But although we have won the leadership, we haven’t yet won control of the Party. Hostile elements still abound, in the parliamentary party, the organisational apparatus, and beyond. There can be no place for routinism – the left must raise its game to meet the new tasks we now face.
In these exceptional circumstances, therefore, the LRC’s National Committee has decided to call this Special General Meeting in order to have a focused, structured discussion about how we respond – politically and organisationally – to the new situation. For these purposes the agenda will be based around discussion of a National Committee Statement, and recommendations for structural changes to how the LRC sees its role and operates going forward.
Speakers including:
John McDonnell MP; Liz Davies; Ian Hodson, BFAWU; Hilary Wainwright, Red Pepper; Seema Chandwani.
Registration opens 10 am.