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Man-made Climate Change – is it trumped up?

20th November 2016 · 11:00am - 1:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 Man-made Climate Change – is it trumped up?

Hot-hot debate: Piers Corbyn v Professor Piers Forster

Many consider climate change to be the biggest threat to humanity. So it is critical we know the real prospects for catastrophic global warming. The UN Panel that advises us – Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) say the science is settled – but is this really the case? Are there some fundamental uncertainties that call their predictions into question?

Do we properly understand the role of clouds well enough to be certain?
Do we understand reasons for the dramatic slow down in temperature rise over the last 15 years?
Are the oceans cancelling the effects of CO2 by absorbing excess heat?
Will vegetation growth from increases in CO2 benefit us?
Is the Sun a stronger driver of extreme weather than greenhouse gases?
A lot of questions to be answered!

In this unique debate, we bring together two high profile scientists who share very different views on how humans are impacting our climate. Professor Piers Forster – one of the leading scientists involved when the IPCC was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize will take on Piers Corbyn, who is well known for his skeptical views, and considers that the main-stream theory of man-made climate change is deeply flawed.

Professor Piers Forster is a physicist by background with 25 years of experience researching various aspects of climate change, including its causes, impacts, and adaptation and mitigation strategies. He is the director of the Priestley International Centre for Climate at the University of Leeds. He was lead author for the past two IPCC reports that provided the underpinning evidence for climate change, when the IPCC was a co-recipient (with Al Gore) of the 2007 Nobel Peace prize.

Piers Corbyn – also a physicist and Fellow of Royal Astronomical Society and Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society is a pioneer of long-range weather and climate forecasting. He believes that changes in the Earth’s climate and its weather are dictated primarily by cyclical activity on the surface of the sun, and not by the effects of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. He presented at the Paris Climate Challenge, the alternative to the UN event in Paris in Dec 2015, has appeared on BBC TV and has attracted much press coverage.
Piers was named by American Thinker magazine as Climate Predictor of the year 2010 and is founder and Director of WeatherAction.

The debate will be chaired by Prof Evan Parker. Professor of Nanotechnology at the University of Warwick.

Doors 10.30. Entry £3, £2 concs./free to Conway Hall Ethical Society members.

Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available.

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