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Migrants or People?

12th July 2015 · 11:00am - 1:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 Migrants or People?

Dr Jim Walsh

As well as being the Chief Executive Officer of Conway Hall Ethical Society, Jim has continued thinking about ethical issues since completing his PhD in 2007. Most recently, his thoughts have taken shape in the form of a blog – An Ethical Thirst – that looks at philosophers such as Hans-Georg Gadamer and Emmanuel Levinas and seeks to provide illustration of their thoughts by drawing parallels from literature, art, music and film. By combining cultural references with philosophical ideas, Jim is hopeful that a new understanding of personal ethics might arise which is accessible to those with little previous knowledge of philosophy.

Disturbed by the dehumanisation of those fleeing for their lives as a daily media and political event, Jim Walsh will advocate a new understanding of personal ethics that aims to bring migrants in from the cold of being abstract entities and give them warmth such as every human deserves. By focusing upon some of the ideas contained with Hans-Georg Gadamer’s magnum opus, Truth and Method, Jim will illustrate, with reference to A Scandal in Bohemia and the works of Rene Magritte, how we can start to re-evaluate ourselves when we regard other people.

Entry £3, £2 concs./Free to Conway Hall Ethical Society members. Entry only available at the door.

Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available.

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