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Money: Why some people seem to ‘attract’ it more easily than others?

20th July 2016 · 7:00pm - 9:30pm

In person | Virtual event

 Money: Why some people seem to ‘attract’ it more easily than others?

Imagine a space where meaningful conversations take place. Imagine a circle of people from different walks of life that come together to discuss humanistic, social, philosophical and practical topics they are passionate about or they want to learn more of. Imagine a place where your beliefs are challenged, ideas are exchanged and your thinking is expanded. As the philosophers of the old times did, we sit in a circle and the host sets the topic of conversation for the circle. This particular Expanding Circle will be hosted around the topic of MONEY

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to achieve wealth effortlessly while others work just as hard but still struggle financially? It seems that having money and accumulating wealth is not only down to the jobs we have, the business we get into or what we do, but down to the beliefs we hold about money (or what many refer to as ‘our financial blueprint’).

In books like ‘Think and Grow Rich’ and ‘Secrets of the Millionaire Mind’, authors like Napoleon Hill and T. Harv Eker respectively, argue that each of us has a set of personal money and success beliefs ingrained in our subconscious, and that these beliefs are what determine the course of our financial lives.

“Money is the root of all evil”, “Money doesn’t buy you happiness”, “You have to work really hard to be rich” are some of the limiting beliefs many of us were raised with, but according to some experts, these are precisely the beliefs that stop us from attracting and holding on to money in our lives.

Can these beliefs be really changed or are we doomed to live with them? If we can change them, how can we do that? What do wealthy people think? Is money really an energy? Can I ‘attract’ money with a different level of thinking?

Join us for another inspiring and thought-provoking Expanding Circle, a space where people from different walks of life come together to share their different views and experiences on the topic chosen for the evening. Come and connect with like-minded people and be ready to leave the room inspired and reconsidering your own understanding of the topic and the fundamentals of life.

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