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Monte Piano Trio

18th November 2018 · 6:30pm - 8:30pm

In person | Virtual event

 Monte Piano Trio

The Monte Piano Trio’s appearances at Conway Hall are always a highlight of the season. Now based in Germany, we are delighted to be hosting them at Conway Hall as part of a short tour. At the heart of their programme is Schoenberg’s Verklärte Nacht, a work inspired by Richard Dehmel’s poem following a couple walking through a dark, moonlit forest. The highly effective version for trio was arranged by one of Schoenberg’s former students Eduard Steuermann.

Francesco Sica (violin)
Claude Frochaux (cello)
Irina Botan (piano)

Haydn Trio in E♭ Hob.XV:10
Schoenberg arr. Steuermann Verklärte Nacht
Chausson Trio in G minor Op.3

The Monte Piano Trio has performed in major concert halls such as Berliner Philharmonie, Laeiszhalle Hamburg, Alte Oper Frankfurt, Wigmore Hall, Royal Festival Hall and Covent Garden in London, Daning Theater in Shanghai and the Romanian Atheneum. Their television and radio broadcasts have included BBC, WDR, CBS, DLF, SWR, TVR and Radio Clasica.

Formed in 2008 at the Musikhochschule in Frankfurt am Main, The Monte Piano Trio were subsequently invited to play at renowned festivals such as Schleswig-Holstein, Osnabrück, Mozartfest Würzburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommen, Heidelberger Frühling, Stift International Festival in Holland and Constella Festival in the USA. The trio’s engagements have taken them to Germany, USA, UK (including performances at the Wigmore Hall, Conway Hall and Kings Place), Italy, Spain, Sweden, Austria, Romania, Turkey, Holland and Brazil. They won first prizes at the Mirabent Competition in Spain and at the European Karlsruhe Competition in Germany and were also prize winners at several international competitions including Schumann (Germany), Maria Canals (Spain), Brahms (Austria) and Almere (Holland).

The trio is featured on the sound track of “Maestro”, a documentary film which explores the life of musicians through the eyes of Paavo Järvi. In 2015 they released their CD, “From a Tender Age”, in partnership with Genuin Classics. It was chosen as CD of the Month by Stereo Magazine, highly recommended (five stars) by Fono Forum and was featured in the “Klassik Stars” programme on Bayerischen Rundfunk (BR). The Monte Piano Trio’s second recording for the Genuin Label, “Tryptich” was released in May 2017.

Having received a Diploma with Honors from the Musikhochschule in Essen, the trio continued their studies at “Escuela Superior de Musica Reina Sofia” in Madrid where they graduated with the highest honours. The Trio has received artistic guidance from Menahem Pressler, Günter Pichler, Ralf Gothóni, Dirk Mommertz, Ferenc Rados and Eberhard Feltz.

(Photo: © Malte Ruths)

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