Morgan Szymanski & Benyounes Quartet
26th May 2019 · 6:30pm - 8:30pm
In person | Virtual event

Vivaldi Lute Concerto in D
Paganini Cantabile for violin and guitar
Puccini Crisantemi
Boccherini Fandango Quintet in D
Turina Oración del Torero Op. 34
Eschaich Scenes de Bal
Piazzolla arr. Szymanski Histoire du Tango (Café 1930 & Nightclub 1960)
Zara Benyounes (violin)
Emily Holland (violin)
Sara Roberts (viola)
Kim Vaughan (cello)
Morgan Szymanski (guitar)
Mexican guitarist Morgan Szymanski was highlighted as ‘one to watch’ by Gramophone magazine. For his second Conway Hall concert, he comes together with the Benyounes Quartet in a programme spanning more than two hundred years, including his own arrangements of Piazzolla and Puccini’s Cristantemi, composed in a single night in 1890, in response to the death of the Duke of Savoy.
There will also be a pre-concert talk (see below) and a short audience question and answer session with the musicians after the performance, chaired by our Director of Music, Simon Callaghan.….…
This event is in the Main Hall on the ground floor. For accessibility info:
It is part of Conway Hall Ethical Society’s charitable programme and is tax-exempt.
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