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My Death, My Decision?

29th January 2017 · 11:00am - 1:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 My Death, My Decision?

What is a ‘good death’? For some people, it is a medically assisted death, when they feel their life is complete – something denied in the UK. Polls regularly show over 75% of people in favour of a change in the law on assisted suicide, yet many politicians, religious leaders and medical professionals remain opposed. How can we change the minds of the establishment who seem so out of touch with the feelings of the majority? We should work vigorously to move the debate forward, addressing valid concerns. Phil Cheatle explains the approach of the campaign group ‘My Death, My Decision’ (, providing much stronger protection for ‘vulnerable people’, while rejecting the restriction of assisted dying to those with a life-expectancy of 6 months or less a criterion that attracts criticism from both sides of the debate.

Phil Cheatle spent 30 years as a research scientist in digital photography at Hewlett Packard before taking early retirement. His involvement in the right-to-die campaign was triggered when his mother, who suffered from early stage dementia and other conditions, asked Phil to help her die. He formed the Dignity in Dying (DiD) support group in Bristol and Bath in 2013. Frustrated by DiDs refusal to discuss how to help people like his mother, he joined the Society for Old Age Rational Suicide. He became its Coordinator in 2015 and opened a discussion with its membership which resulted in the name change to ‘My Death, My Decision’.

Doors 10.30. Entry £3, £2 concs./free to Conway Hall Ethical Society members.

Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available.

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