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Narcoland: The Mexican Drug Lords and Their God Fathers

15th September 2013 · 2:00pm - 2:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 Narcoland: The Mexican Drug Lords and Their God Fathers

Conway Hall Ethical Society presents; Anabel Hernández discusses her work as an investigative journalist exposing the truth behind Mexico’s drug war and new book Narcoland – an explosive bestseller on Mexico’s drug cartels and the politicians and businesses that that enable them.; In Mexico officials put the number of deaths from drug violence at 70000 in the last six years with another 27000 missing. In her new book Narcoland: The Mexican Drug Lords and Their God Fathers Anabel Hernández explores how Mexico has become a base for the mega-cartels of Latin America as well as one of the most violent places on the planet for journalists. A publishing and political sensation in Mexico it is the first book to definitively link the rise of the drug cartels to government and business complicity at the very highest levels. Upon publication she received death threats that forced the Human Rights Commission to assign her two 24-hour bodyguards. This protection continues today.; In 2012 Hernández was awarded the Golden Pen of Freedom by the World Association of Newspapers in recognition of her fearless work exposing the cartels. She said in her acceptance speech:; ‘The crisis within Mexico with regard to freedom of expression has been devastating… the government has criminalised murdered journalists in general as well as anyone who tries to defend them. To live in silence with regard to how corruption crime and impunity continue to empower themselves in my country is also to die.; I continue to denounce the decay of Mexico and the collusion of politicians public servants and high-level businessmen with Mexican drug cartels.’; Join Anabel Hernández on this rare occasion in the UK as she talks about her work investigating the complexity of the cartels and their links to government officials the shocking brutality of narco violence throughout the region as well as her life as journalist exposing the very workings of the South American drug world — despite ongoing death threats from some of Mexico’s most dangerous criminals.; Doors 13:30. Talk starts at 14:00.; Tickets £5 Free to members of Conway Hall Ethical Society (You can join online here:; Copies of Narcoland: The Mexican Drug Lords and Their God Fathers will be available to buy at this event.

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