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New Scientist Live – Exposing climate change

1st October 2014 · 6:30pm - 6:30pm

In person | Virtual event

 New Scientist Live – Exposing climate change

New Scientist Magazine presents New Scientist Live – Exposing climate change with: Friederike Otto Post Doctoral Research Fellow University of Oxford Alice Bows-Larkin Reader University of Manchester One of the irritating things about climate change is that its effects are often unpredictable and invisible. These factors only increase controversy. But scientists are working to expose its impacts: to understand whether the extreme weather events we’re seeing are linked to increased carbon in the atmosphere and to identify what we need to do to starve off the dangerous consequences of climate change. Doors to Conway Hall will open at 6pm the talk will commence at 6:30pm. Tickets £14/£12 Tickets will only be available in advance through Eventbrite (subject to availability).

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