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Newsroom: What’s Next for Corbyn?

22nd May 2018 · 7:00pm - 8:30pm

In person | Virtual event

 Newsroom: What’s Next for Corbyn?

Labour has made some gains in local elections across England, with a mixed night of results and no taking of key London councils, the unshakable Wandsworth and losing control of Barnet.

Corbynism seems more alive than ever before though his road to power is seemingly slipping away and with ripples of discontent being felt on both sides, we ask what do the local election results mean for Corbyn? And what will he do next? Will the surge of youth support and the youthquake help to carry Labour through to a general election win? Has the antisemitism fall out proved the direction for Labour?

The coming months are bound to be crucial – and intriguing – and there can now be little doubt that Corbyn really does want to lead the country.

Join writer and activist Liam Young, Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee, director of CLASS Faiza Shaheen, and Guardian political columnist Rafael Behr, with chair The Guardian’s John Harris.

Running time: 90 minutes, no interval.

Wheelchair users and visitors who require an assistant may bring a companion free of charge. To book a free companion ticket please email[@]

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