Nick Cromwell – Coaching With an Adlerian Perspective
12th October 2015 · 7:30pm - 9:00pm
In person | Virtual event

The talk will provide an introduction to coaching, its history and application. Coaching has received much publicity in the last few years. In a world where the lines between coaching, mentoring, and counselling can sometimes seem rather blurred, Nick will outline his own journey from teacher to counsellor to coach. He will provide a definition of coaching, explain its background and nature, who it is for and how it works. He will explain the important influence that Alfred Adler has had on his work as a coach. At the same time, Nick will show how his coaching draws on other disciplines and will present some key techniques that he uses with his clients to achieve fast change.
Nick Cromwell is a coach and facilitator. He works with individuals and teams to enable change. His clients come from a broad range of sectors including charity, housing, local government, legal, finance and IT. He is an accredited Master Executive Coach and member of the Association for Coaching. He is a certified member of the Adlerian Society and a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). As well as working directly with clients, Nick coaches other coaches and assesses applicants seeking accredited coach status. He used to run a charity that helped people manage drug addiction and he is especially interested in how people can best use their potential.
Admission £7 (concessions £4) All welcome. No need to book. CPD certificates are available. Lecture enquiries: