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Humanists UK:
No One Left Behind: IDAHOBIT 2024

17th May 2024 · 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Doors open: 6:00pm

Brockway Room | Virtual event

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Humanists UK: No One Left Behind: IDAHOBIT 2024

Join us in commemorating IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia) with the pioneering LGBT and civil rights activist, Ted Brown. His talk will welcome us into an evening of reflection on the past and present of intersecting discriminations faced by the LGBT community. He will introduce his pioneering work in combating phobia in religious contexts, ranging from homophobic pastoral support in care homes to transphobia in the media.

Ted will also be recounting his rich memories of LGBT activism since joining the Gay Liberation Front in 1970. He has led a fascinating life, migrating from Jamaica as part of the Windrush generation, leading the black section of Gay London Police Monitoring Group in the 1980s, founding Black Lesbian and Gays Against Media Homophobia in 1990, and receiving the Life Achievement Award from the Black Lesbian and Gays Community Awards.

LGBT Humanists have been committed to IDAHOBIT since its inception in 2004. Their former Chair, Derek Lennard was IDAHOBIT’s UK Coordinator for over a decade. This international movement was established to raise awareness of the violence and discrimination faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, including all people who have diverse gender identities or gender expressions. This year, they explore the LGBT community’s intersecting struggles, embracing this year’s theme for IDAHOBIT – No One Left Behind.

This event is organised as part of the LGBT strand of the National Lottery Heritage Fund supported project ‘Humanist Heritage: Doers, Dreamers, Place Makers’, coordinated by Humanists UK in partnership with Conway Hall.

Age Recommendation: 16+

Price: Standard £5 • Online £2

Access Information

Due to the age and Grade Il listing of the building, there is no lift access to rooms above the ground floor.

All the ground-floor rooms are fully accessible by wheelchair. Main Hall (street access, step-free), Brockway Room (street access, step-free), Bertrand Russell Room (street access, shallow ramp), Hive Cafe (street access, step-free), There is also an accessible toilet on the ground floor opposite the Brockway Room.


Other events that may interest you

LGBTQIA+ Histories: Love, Life, War and Death

Lead Me Into Temptation, Please: LGBT Summer Fair

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Further Info

This event will be held with an in-person audience at Conway Hall and online via livestream. Everyone wishing to join this event must register for a ticket in advance.

If you have any accessibility enquiries, please contact us at / 020 7405 1818.

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