*Online* Alternative Art Education (Slow) Marathon
25th July 2020 · 12:00pm - 7:30pm
In person | Virtual event

** This event will be held ONLINE. Please register using the “Book Now” link. **
** Conway Hall is a charity and we politely ask you to add a donation of at least £5 when registering for a ticket **
Join us to celebrate alternative art education and launch the first issue of URgh! a zine on education and precarity. Tune in from 12-7pm to learn and play in a range of events. Produce a zine, find out what peer-led schools are up to and exchange ideas on online education, labour and cooperation. Create a virtual creature in a web application, show work in a crit session and wind down with the DJ set. Meet members of the alternative art education community and participate from the comfort of your living room. Turn on, tune in, get involved, start your own art school!
** The Alternative Art Education (Slow) Marathon will be held online using the Zoom application (available for PC, Mac, iOS and Android). A link to join the event will be sent to ticketholders on the day of the event. **
For additional information about the programme and the event please visit: https://videomole.tv/slow-marathon
12:00-12:15 Introduction
12:15-13:00 Zine workshop with TOMA
13:00-13:30 Alternative art school and peer-support group Jamboree
13:30-14:30 Open discussion on online education, labour and cooperation
14:30-14:40 Zine workshop wrap up by TOMA
14:40-15:00 BREAK: Alternative Art School Film Compilation
15:00-17:00 Microworld @HOME workshop with Genetic Moo
15:00-17:00 Art and/or Science Reading Group
This event has limited capacity: please CLICK HERE to book your ticket for this event
17:00-17:15 BREAK: Darshana Vora [2020] Lost & Found
17:15-19:15 Z-Crit with Artquest
This event has limited capacity: please CLICK HERE to register
18:15-19:15 Milky Genes (non) art school disco