*ONLINE* London Fortean Society: Calling the Spirits – A History of Seances
19th October 2020 · 7:30pm - 9:00pm
In person | Virtual event

** At the time of announcement this is an ONLINE only event — however, we may in the future also make physical tickets available. If this becomes possible we will announce it here. Please register for an online ticket using the “Book Now” link **
** Conway Hall is a charity and we politely ask you to add a donation of at least £5 when registering. **
Lisa Morton investigates the eerie history of our conversations with the dead, from necromancy in Homer’s Odyssey to the emergence of Spiritualism – when Victorians were entranced by mediums and the seance was born.
Among our cast are the Fox sisters, teenagers surrounded by ‘spirit rappings’; Daniel Dunglas Home, the ‘greatest medium of all time’; Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, whose unlikely friendship was forged, then riven, by the afterlife; and Helen Duncan, the medium whose trial in 1944 for witchcraft proved more popular to the public than news about the war. Her book, Calling the Spirits: A History of Seances, also considers Ouija boards, modern psychics and paranormal investigations, and is illustrated with engravings, fine art (from beyond) and photographs. Morton begs the question: is anybody there . . .?
Website: https://lisamorton.com/zine/?cat=36
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReaktionBooks/
Twitter: @cinriter/ @reaktionbooks
** This talk will be held online using the Zoom application (available for PC, Mac, iOS and Android). A link to join the talk will be sent to ticketholders on the day of the event. **