*ONLINE* London Fortean Society: Merpeople – A Human History
6th October 2020 · 7:30pm - 9:00pm
In person | Virtual event

** At the time of announcement this is an ONLINE only event — however, we may in the future also make physical tickets available. If this becomes possible we will announce it here. Please register for an online ticket using the “Book Now” link **
** Conway Hall is a charity and we politely ask you to add a donation of at least £5 when registering. **
People have been fascinated by merpeople since ancient times. From the sirens of Homer’s Odyssey to Hans Christian Andersen’s The Little Mermaid and the film Splash (1984), myths, stories and legends of half-human, half-fish creatures abound. In modern times ‘mermaiding’ has gained popularity among cosplayers throughout the world.
In his book Merpeople: A Human History, Vaughn Scribner traces the long history of mermaids and mermen, taking in a wide variety of sources and striking images. From film to philosophy, church halls to coffee houses, ancient myth to modern science, Scribner shows that mermaids and tritons are – and always have been – everywhere.
Vaughn Scribner is Assistant Professor of History at the University of Central Arkansas. He is the author of Inn Civility: Urban Taverns and Early American Civil Society (2019).
Website: https://www.reaktionbooks.co.uk/display.asp?ISB=9781789143140
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReaktionBooks/
Twitter: @VaughnScribner / @reaktionbooks
** This talk will be held online using the Zoom application (available for PC, Mac, iOS and Android). A link to join the talk will be sent to ticketholders on the day of the event. **