*ONLINE* Sunday Assembly: Many Voices, One Song
3rd May 2020 · 11:00am - 12:30pm
In person | Virtual event

** This event will take place ONLINE.
If you have a voice, you can sing. You don’t need anyone’s permission. And singing is even more enjoyable when done with others. Something powerful happens when we join our voices- we seem to instantly feel a bond of understanding with others. This is why we sing at our assemblies: it brings our community together.
Our main speaker, James Sills, is a musician, vocal leader, author, and speaker who is passionate about bringing people together to sing. His book, Do/Sing is a celebration of group singing in all its forms, from football stadiums to choirs to campfires. In addition to his talk about singing, he will also give a short demonstration of how people can sing together online as he does with his Sofa Singers (https://www.thesofasingers.com/).
And we welcome the return of the Sunday Assembly Choir! It was challenging adapting to virtual rehearsals, but Emma Songeur has done a fantastic job of bringing members of our community together for weekly rehearsals.
As always, we will come together to enjoy sing-along pop and rock tunes, an energetic host, and a member of the community telling us how they’re “trying their best”.
Please stay after for tea and biscuits (provided by you!), and lively conversation with other members of the community via Breakout Rooms. Everyone is welcome.
Register Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIodOqtqDgsHdwm33F3dcB9vrjWLaH3Fsrt