Piatti and Benyounes Quartets
3rd February 2013 · 6:30pm - 6:30pm
In person | Virtual event

Piatti Quartet – Michael Trainor violin – Galya Bisengalieva violin – David Wigram viola – Jessie Ann Richardson ‘cello Benyounes Quartet – Zara Benyounes violin – Adam Newman violin – Sara Roberts viola – Kim Vaughan cello Mendelssohn: Octet in E flat Op.20 Brahms: Sextet No.1 in B flat Op.18 A CHANGE TO THIS WEEK’S PROGRAMME Due to unforeseen circumstances the Badke Quartet is unable to perform at this concert. They will be replaced by the wonderful Benyounes Quartet. The Piatti Quartet will still perform and the programme remains unchanged. £9 tickets £4 for full-time students (free entry for under-16s) Doors open at 17.30. Start 18.30