Positive Psychology and Life Coaching: their potential relationship to the Adlerian Model?
7th February 2018 · 7:30pm - 9:00pm
In person | Virtual event

In recent years, Counselling and Therapy have begun to respond to the challenges of traditionally ignoring the encouragement of positive emotions – wellbeing & flourishing – while the pursuit of Positive Psychology has been accused of ignoring the role of negative emotions. The Adlerian model has, of course, always embraced elements of both.
The practice of Life Coaching is attempting to find its USP (unique selling point) in an overcrowded market. We will endeavour to explore some ways in which the two approaches can be integrated in practice and the philosophical, ethical and professional implications of this.
About the facilitators:
Vivien Louizos and John Graves have over 25 years’ experience as teachers, trainers and counsellors, mainly in educational settings with young people, including younger school pupils and training peer supporters, as well as introducing Life Coaching concepts and skills to older people. Currently they work as student counsellors at a Sixth Form College in Surrey and work with a number of clients presenting with a variety of issues. They also deliver training in a range of Life Skills (including Anger Management; Parenting; Anxiety Management); Psychology; Counselling and Life Coaching courses. They have delivered London lectures for ASIIP and workshops for BAT (Bucks Adlerian Training). They have a particular interest in the relationship between Life Coaching and Counselling and are preparing a new qualification in Integrated Practice for CPCAB.
Admission £7 (concs £4). All welcome. No need to book. CPD certificates are available.
Lecture enquiries: Gwyneth Evans-Patel – evans_patel@hotmail.co.uk