Public Debate – ‘Freedom of speech anti-abortion protestors and women: Rights and Limits’
11th September 2012 · 6:30pm - 6:30pm
In person | Virtual event

British Pregnancy Advisory Service host a debate examining the challenges posed by the activities of anti-abortion protestors outside clinics for those with a commitment to freedom of speech; Chaired by David Allen Green and with a panel including Ann Furedi Chief Executive bpas (British Pregnancy Advisory Service) and Andrea Minichiello Williams Chief Executive Christian Concern the debate will examine the challenges posed by the activities of anti-abortion protestors outside clinics for those with a commitment to freedom of speech:; · How do we balance the freedoms to access and offer care with the right to oppose abortion?; · Is limiting the freedom of speech of anti-abortion protestors necessary and proportionate to protect women?; · Does the right to offend include those who are about to go through a medical procedure including abortion?; TICKETS: £ free. Open to all but please book your place in advance with katherine.o’