Puzzling Body Phenomena
15th March 2015 · 11:00am - 1:00pm
In person | Virtual event

Filiz Peach
As the title suggests, this talk is concerned with the living body experience in connection with the philosophical problem of Mind and Body within the existential and phenomenological framework. The focus will be on three different perspectives: how I perceive my body, my relationship to the body of the other and the perception of the dead body of the other which is relevant to discuss here as it provides a contrast to the living body experience.
Filiz Peach is an independent philosopher and a philosophy lecturer. She teaches various aspects of philosophy, in particular Philosophy of Mind and Existential Philosophy, in adult education. She obtained a philosophy degree in 1985 and a PhD in 2004 at the City University, London. Her doctoral work is on Karl Jaspers’ ‘Existence Philosophy’ with particular reference to the concept of death – published by Edinburgh University Press in 2008.
She has had articles published in Analecta Husserliana, Philosophy Now and various other publications. She often presents papers at international philosophical conferences. She is involved in organising and chairing monthly philosophical meetings at Kingston Philosophy Café. She also gets involved in some philosophical activities organised by Philosophy for All.
She has travelled extensively and lived in many parts of the world, including Turkey, USA, Norway, Japan, Thailand and Vietnam.
Doors 10.30. Entry £3, £2 concs./free to Ethical Society members.
Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available.