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23rd October 2016 · 11:00am - 7:00pm

In person | Virtual event


Posters and signs re/de-signed by adamram.

Walking through the city streets, we are surrounded by texts – many of which we may see but don’t really pay attention to – which present a simulated, idealised version of how things are. Armed with scrap paper, markers, scissors and masking tape, adamram spent a few months re/de-signing posters and signs, to show alternative views and statements – sometimes politically-charged, sometimes context/content-specific, sometimes random, sometimes silly.

These small changes often invoked responses – people stopped and noticed, and actively engaged with the re/de-signed signs (taking photos, sharing on social media, discussing which signs they would change and how, even referencing them in academic papers!).

The simple act of writing words on a piece of paper and changing the meaning of an existing text triggered discussions and trains of thought – an example of the potential power of language to make a difference and bring about change, no matter how small.

Over to you – which signs will you re/de-sign (even if only in your imagination)?

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