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Reclaim Our Spaces

25th June 2016 · 9:30am - 4:30pm

In person | Virtual event

 Reclaim Our Spaces

Our lives are shaped by the spaces in which we live

When we give away important community space for another transient pop-up cafe or block of luxury flats, we give away part of our lives. We give away London’s cultural and community history.

The planning system is not currently equipped with the policies required to protect these spaces

London’s skyrocketing land values are used as a trump card against arguments for competing uses. As a result we have lost many spaces and others are coming under increasing threat.

It doesn’t have to be this way! In 2013, the Southbank skatepark was saved by a successful campaign.

We need a movement that mobilises people across London.

We cannot act only when a space is under threat. We cannot wait. Together we can change the status quo. Together, we can influence a planning system that is disconnected from people’s lives and threatens the very spaces which bond London’s diverse communities together.

Join us for a day of activities, storytelling, workshops, film screenings and discussions

A detailed programme is available here: Reclaim Our Spaces.

This event is free and everyone is welcome, but to help us plan for refreshments please book a place via Eventbrite by clicking the link provided.

Tickets go on general release on the 10th May 2016.


Supported by:

Community Food Growers Network

Conway Hall

Latin Elephant

London Gypsy and Traveller Unit


Migrants Rights Network

Take Back the City

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We host talks, concerts, performances, community and social events. However, we are an independent charity and receive no funding from the government. Everything we do is dependent upon our commercial activity and the generosity of supporters like you.

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